Safeguarding all individuals from across the globe involved in Karate is paramount.
Any non-accidental violence will not be tolerated and will constitute a violation of the WKF Disciplinary & Ethics Code and the IOC Code of Ethics.
Forms of non-accidental violence include all types of harassment and abuse and they are clearly defined in the WKF Safe Sport Policy.
Each key aspect of the WKF Safe Sport Policy should be emphasised:
- safeguarding framework both in and out of competition
- protection from harassment and abuse
- protection from false allegations
- confidentiality
Knowledge of responsibilities is vital - athletes, coaches and other members of the WKF Family must be aware of their responsibilities.
Ample resources are available on safeguarding in sport (see right), including the IOC Safeguarding Toolkit and the WKF Safe Sport Policy, for Karate-specific information.
Reporting incidents and suspicions is crucial - you can do this via the Official WKF Complaint Form (PDF - WORD) as well as at WKF competitions. Forms should be sent by email to safekarate@wkf.net
Assistance and support is available - fill out the this form and the WKF Safeguarding Officer will help with any case of harassment and abuse.
The sanctions for individuals found guilty of harassment or abuse can be found in the WKF Disciplinary & Ethics Code.
Everyone in the WKF Family has a duty of care and we should all be committed to fostering the safest sport environment.
- - WKF Safe Sport Policy : ENG - FRA - ESP
- - WKF Disciplinary & Ethics Code
- - Official WKF Complaint Form: PDF - WORD
- - Formulaire Officiel de Plainte: PDF - WORD
- - Hoja Oficial de Denuncia: PDF - WORD
- - IOC Safeguarding Toolkit
- - IOC Athlete Safeguarding E-learning Course:
- - IOC Code of Ethics:
- - IOC Consensus Statement 2016: Harassment and Abuse in Sport:
- - IOC Prevention of Competition Manipulation
- - International Safeguarding Children in Sport guidelines:
- - Safe Sport International:
- - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:
- - The Council of Europe: Article 1.(ii) of the European Sports Charter (version dated 2001):
- - UNESCO: Article 10.1 the Revised International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (version dated 2015):
- - UN Declaration of Human Rights: