

Karate showcases a series of Values that represent the main differentiating element of the discipline. Values such as honour, respect, tradition, altruism... are at the core of the sport; every karateka gets to know the strength and importance of these values from day one, and their application is fully connected to the true nature of the sport.

In this section, we review how top karatekas and Karate fans are making the most to demonstrate the power of the Karate Values.


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Fode Ndao, "Champion for Peace" protecting core values of the sport
“My strength: Respect”. This aphorism is not only Fode Ndao’s club motto; it is one of the precepts that rule his existence and one of the principles that make him a “champion” of the Karate Values.
In this new episode of WKF’s series #KarateValues, we introduce Senegal’s Fode Ndao, coach, former African champion, former World Championships runner-up, and a hard-core advocate of the true ideals of our sport.

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German Karate Association joins forces with Tegla Loroupe Foundation to build Karate hall in Kenya
The German Karate Association (DKV) is cooperating with the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation to build a Karate sports hall in Kenya as part of the organisation’s project to improve the conditions of orphans and refugees. It is one more example of the strength of #KarateValues.
Headed by United Nations Ambassador of Sport and Chef de Mission of the Refugee Teams for the 2016 and 2020 Summer Olympics Tegla Loroupe, the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation is continuing its development programmes in Kenya with the construction of different facilities in the country.

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"Karate Princess" Maria Dimitrova shows strength of #KarateValues with outstanding contribution in Dominican Republic
Meet Maria Dimitrova of the Dominican Republic: Karate legend, entrepreneur, humanitarian, former TV star, champion of Karate Values, and true royalty of the sport.The current Pan American title-holder demonstrated the strength of Karate Values when she decided to take action to help the most vulnerable. While the coronavirus pandemic was in full force in the Dominican Republic, she intervened to assist those who were terribly affected by the devastating epidemic.

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Alton Brown strives to give girls in India a fighting chance
Alton Brown of Jamaica is putting his Karate skills to the service of those who need them the most: disadvantaged girls in India. It is another example of #KarateValues.
In WKF’s series #KarateValues, we review Karate individuals or organisations who are making the most of the many values of our sport; personalities who are using Karate to make a better world. First-class karateka Alton Brown of Jamaica is taking #KarateValues to a whole new level as he commits to becoming an ambassador for a project to teach girls from challenging backgrounds in India the benefits of Karate.