WKF Structure

WKF Commissions showcase Karate global impact


WKF Commissions showcase Karate global impact

The commissions of the World Karate Federation gathered in Madrid to analyse the current moment of the sport and to maximise the opportunities that Karate is facing as the discipline is reaching historic landmark moments. 

The commissions of the World Karate Federation gathered in Madrid to analyse the current moment of the sport and to maximise the opportunities that Karate is facing as the discipline is reaching historic landmark moments. 

On the eve of the celebration of the 2018 Karate World Championships, all the different commissions of the WKF met Madrid to find innovative ways to continue taking the sport to new heights. 

The Referee Commission opened the hectic week as the Referee course raised the curtain of the memorable event. The Olympic Planning Commission took the ball rolling with the first meeting on Sunday prior to the start of the competition, with the Women Sport Commission and Technical Commission wrapping up the first session of gatherings. 

The Medical Commission and the Athletes’ Commission continued the discussions in the afternoon session, as the Sports Commission and the Entourage Commission completed the debates of all the branches of the organisation. 

All the commissions’ chair-persons and members alike pointed out the constructive nature of the discussions and the relevance of the decisions which were taken towards the progress of the sport. 

“The Karate family relies heavily on the WKF Commissions to assist us in further implementing our development projects. The WKF Commissions help us identify new opportunities for the future benefit of the sport, and they set the pillars of the continued expansion of Karate around the world. It is essential that the WKF Commissions do the utmost to contribute in our goal of continue taking our sport in the right direction,” said WKF President Antonio Espinós.