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WKF joins Global Esports Federation


WKF joins Global Esports Federation

The World Karate Federation is pleased to announce that Karate’s international governing body has joined the Global Esports Federation (GEF). The association with the GEF confirms the WKF’s interest to further develop its presence in the esport ecosystem.  

The World Karate Federation is pleased to announce that Karate’s international governing body has joined the Global Esports Federation (GEF). The association with the GEF confirms the WKF’s interest to further develop its presence in the esport ecosystem.

The GEF has now confirmed eight International Federations – more than 70 Member Federations – sharing the collective mission to bridge the connection between sport, esports and virtual sport – powered by innovative technology.

Chris Chan, President, Global Esports Federation said: “The addition of new International Federation members is testament to the vital work the Global Esports Federation has put in to develop the community and facilitating the convergence of esports, sport, technology and innovation. We anticipate greater collaboration among our members and partners in developing initiatives that are in service to the esports community through our #worldconnected platform.”

As a member of the GEF, the WKF aims at exploring ways to develop projects to expand the presence of Karate in the digital, gaming and esport industry.

“We believe that the strategic partnership with the Global Esports Federation puts the World Karate Federation in the front lines of esports initiatives. This collaboration shows the WKF’s interest in continuing breaking new grounds, and it further demonstrates that karate is a modern discipline, constantly adapting to move ahead with the times. By working with key partners such as the GEF, we enable digital transformation for the sport to reach out to a larger audience globally. This is the first of a good deal of exciting news to come regarding karate and esports,” said WKF President Antonio Espinós.