WKF Structure
Successful Anti-Doping Outreach Program in Santiago

Young karate athletes from all over the world participated in the Anti-Doping Outreach Program held in Santiago de Chile during the XI WKF Junior, Cadet & U21 Championships. The activity aimed to raise awareness and give all athletes competing at these Championships the opportunity to ask questions and be informed about Anti-Doping matters.
Young karate athletes from all over the world participated in the Anti-Doping Outreach Program held in Santiago de Chile during the XI WKF Junior, Cadet & U21 Championships. The activity aimed to raise awareness and give all athletes competing at these Championships the opportunity to ask questions and be informed about Anti-Doping matters.
The Outreach event was organised in collaboration with the Comisión Nacional de Control de Dopaje de Chile (CNCD), along with the World Anti-Doping Association (WADA).
Young athletes, along with their coaches and parents, were invited to learn about key Anti-Doping topics from CNCD experts during the first two days of competition.
Participants visiting this Anti-Doping Stand took part in a range of interactive games and activities and were able to pick up different information leaflets and win prizes provided by the CNCD and WADA.
One of the most popular activities was a card game that focused on the fundamental values set out in the WADA Code on how we play true.
There was also a photo opportunity, participants could put on the Fight Clean Karate gloves and stand in the Play Clean photo frame, making their pledge: “I flight clean” or “Yo juego limpio”.
The Anti-Doping Stand attracted interest and questions from many different members of the Karate community and from individuals of all ages and from countries across all five continents.
Young athletes who had never been tested were also familiarised with the Doping Control Process and coaches and parents were informed about the multiple WADA resources available, for use back in their home countries.
Following this encouraging Anti-Doping education program in Chile, the WKF looks to continue its work with WADA and National Anti-Doping Organisations across the globe, all with the collective aim to inform, educate and support, and ultimately preserve the spirit of sport.